There are many ways that a prospector can search for gold some ways include dry washing, sluicing, nugget shooting or searching for gold with a metal detector is the most popular form of gold prospecting because it is becoming so popular. There is a reason why people are becoming so eager for gold prospecting gold prices continue to rocket and the economy can be unpredictable. Gold will however always hold its value and many know how much gold still exists in nature.

Gold nuggets are what most gold prospectors are searching for with a metal detector however experts to advice gold prospectors that most people will not get rich by searching for gold but it still can be a fun and exciting hobby. If finding gold gets you excited you should try it out, with the right gold detector and research you may possibly just find it.

You need to make sure that you have the right kind of metal detector and it is ground balanced properly. The ground balances can change as mineral conditions under your coil change. We can highly recommend that you use headphones, especially if you are searching around noisy conditions like waves or running waters.

If you find treasure keep searching the nearby area. Search in a big area around your discovery location and be very calculated.  When using a gold detector in rivers and streams move slowly over your search area. Change the operating height if mineralization in the area causes too much noise.

Extra tools that can help you with gold prospecting is a gold pan and a good spade. You can use your spade to loosen up rocks and gravel.

When you find a treasure scoop it up into your gold pan scan the entire pan with your metal detector to determine if you have found your treasure. If the treasure is not in the pan, dump it back into the water, locate your target again with your metal detector and continue until you find your treasures.

Gold is often mined from old riverbeds. This is because erosion grinds gold from off the rocks and it travels downstream. A good place to try for gold prospectors is a river valley that cuts through and area of land.

Research is the best way to find places where gold occurs. You aren’t likely to find a brand new gold discovery, but what you are likely to find is an area within an existing gold-rich area that still has some gold.

Find the old mines, rivers, and creeks where the early miners were searching and you are much more likely to have success.

If you find historic gold mining areas it is the most important first steps toward finding gold prospecting areas, but serious gold miners learn how to identify natural gold indicators. These are things that are commonly associated with gold.

While most of the rich gold mining areas have been found, there are certainly still some places out there with good gold that were completely overlooked by other people. If you are fortunate enough to find one of these places, you are likely to be rewarded with some exceptional amounts of gold.

Are you gold prospecting and looking for a gold detector for sale? See our wide range of gold detectors for sale below and order online today for the best prices in South Africa.