So you have decided to invest in a metal detector from an online store now you need to keep a few things in mind and put them into plan and action.

An important part of success with metal detecting is to know your metal detector well. You must read and follow the manual that you receive with your metal detector. Learn what each different control does and what each feature is all about. Refer to the metal detector manual often when you are unsure of anything. Be sure to watch any videos on metal detecting.

After learning and reading the manual of your metal detector, its time to get your metal detector outside and practice using it after all practice makes perfect the more and more you use the metal detector the better hang of it you will get when using it. You could bury some coins, rings and all kinds of things around the garden to practice and play around with each control and feature on the metal detector. Make the depth of the buried items different so that you can see what the different effects you get from your metal detector. Listen and watch your metal detector at each different spot. See the different responses you get.

It is important to find the right place to search around with your metal detector. Studying and becoming knowledgeable about your areas history is also highly recommended for best results.

Find out where all the old houses, gathering places took place, parks, schools, churches and libraries were located. Always keep in mind that if people were once there they are more likely to have left something behind for your metal detector to find. The most amount of people at one location make your chances of finding anything just so much more. Talk to an older generation and find out as much as possible like where gatherings took place.

Always try to put yourself in the shoes of those that might have gathered or lived where you are using a metal detector hunting for any treasures. If searching a site that had a grass or gravel parking area, imagine all the people dragging out their car keys along with a bunch of old coins. At very old houses, think of where the clothesline must have been in the garden. Someone might have missed some old coins in their pants pockets and out they fell when hung on the line. Look at any old trees or stumps laying around and imagine the people relaxing and children playing under their shade on a hot summer’s day. Behind the very old school grounds imagine the kids rolling down the hill during recess with all their coins flying out. All those lost treasures are buried there waiting for you and your metal detector to come along!

Are you looking for a Metal detector for sale? We have a wide range of Metal detectors for sale capable of finding small gold nuggets for gold prospectors and detectors suited to finding gold rings and jewellery. Whether you are a hobbyist looking for an entry-level Metal detector or a gold prospector we have the widest range and best Metal detectors available.